Understanding testosterone

Understanding Testosterone

Testosterone is often misunderstood as merely the male sex hormone, but its role in the body is much more complex…

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The many facets of health

The Many Facets of Health

How often have you done something to improve your health, only to stop because you felt it was not working?…

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Older couple using yoga to maximize hormone treatments

Making The Most Out Of Hormone Balancing Treatments

Hormones are a vital part of all life. They help every living thing on the planet, from the smallest mouse…

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Declining hormones
Hormones, Physical Health

Declining Hormones

As you’ve aged, it is more than likely – like most Americans – that you have felt your body slow…

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Hormones affect sleep
Health Tips, Hormones, Sleep

How Hormones Affect Sleep

How Hormones Affect Sleep Your body makes different hormones at different times of the day. In the morning, your body…

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Natural energy provider in Murrieta
Hormones, Sleep

Are you feeling tired?

It is quite common today for people to feel tired.

Often they become accustomed to feeling tired and feel that it is “normal”, but it is not ok to feel tired on a regular basis.

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Tips For Getting A Good Nights Sleep
Hormones, Sleep

Getting A Good Nights Sleep

There are many pieces to the wellness puzzle. Sleep, exercise, nutrition, supplements, hormone balancing, toxin exposure, and mindset all affect…

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Testosterone Hormone Replacement

Testosterone: More Than A Sex Drive Enhancer

Many people think Testosterone is a purely male hormone and that it’s only function is to increase sex drive.  This…

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Testosterone The Misunderstood Hormone

Testosterone is not just for men and it is not just for sex drive. Men have a higher amount of…

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Adrenal Glands

Adrenal Fatigue

The adrenal gland is located on top of each kidney–the human body has a total of two adrenal glands. The…

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