Skin Care Treatment

Keep Your Skin Optimal

Did you know that your skin is not only the largest organ in your body, it is also the largest detoxifying organ in your body? Your skin helps rid your body of impurities and toxins on a regular basis. Your skin also acts as a protective barrier–it provides protection from trauma, temperature variations, micro-organisms, radiation, and chemicals. Your skin also regulates temperature, affects fluid balance, influences peripheral circulation, and also gives you the sensation of heat, cold, touch and pain.

It is obvious that taking care of your skin results in overall improved health. You can not afford to ignore skin health if you desire Optimal Health.

Here are some easy things to do in order to keep your skin functioning Optimally:

1. Eat a clean diet. Remember that your skin detoxifies. If you consume a lot of sugar, processed foods, chemicals (.ie. non organic foods), alcohol, soda, etc., then your skin must work hard to eliminate these toxins. This can result in acne, reddened skin, and/or skin that looks older than it is. Healthy looking skin starts from the inside out. Your skin reflects your inner health. Focus on eating a diet full of whole organic foods–foods made in nature, not man made. Eat healthy organic sources of protein, oils, and fat and eat a variety of organic vegetables, and fruits. Avoid sugar, sodas, juices, alcohol, baked goods, processed meats, pastas, and other man made foods. Not only will your skin look younger and healthier, you will feel younger and more vital.

2. Hydrate!! Drink water daily. Your skin requires water in order to function properly. The rule of thumb is to drink about half your body weight in ounces. I.e. if you weigh 150 pounds, that is 75 ounces of water. You will know when you have consumed enough water when your urine is a faint yellowish color, not a dark yellow. (be aware that certain supplements do change the color of urine).

3. Dry brush your skin daily before your shower or bath. Dry brushing helps to improve circulation and it stimulates your lymphatic system to eliminate toxins. It also helps to remove dull, dead skin cells and encourages cell renewal. Dry brushing is only for the body from the neck down. Brush in gently, circular motions toward the heart. Start at your feet and work up to the top of your legs, then brush your hands up to your shoulders. Then, brush your buttocks up to your neck followed by your stomach area.

4. Take an Epsom or Magnesium salt bath or float on a regular basis. Magnesium is very calming to the body and it will absorb into your body through bathing. It is helpful in relaxing muscles and the mind. Regular soaks also help to clear toxins from the pores in your skin. Try soaking in a bath with 4 cups of Epsom or Magnesium salt for 20-30 minutes 2-3 times per week. If you desire a full body relaxation experience, go to the Float Experience in Temecula (or find a location near you that offers floats). Floats give you 60-90 minutes of floating in about 700+ pounds of Epsom salt in an environment that removes the pressure of gravity along with sound and light. It is a truly rejuvenating experience!

5. Care for your skin on a daily basis. Routine skin care is important for removing the toxins that we encounter on a daily basis. It also allows for the removal of dead skin and encourages new skin growth. People who perform daily skin care have younger, healthier looking skin. Your skin care routine should include cleansing, toning, and moisturizing in the morning and evening. It is best to use natural botanically based organic products.

6. Get a facial on a monthly basis. Facials are not just for pampering, they are an important part of healthy skin care. Both men and women should get regular facials in order to look and feel their best as they age. Regular facials can prevent and treat acne, minimize the signs of rosacea, and keep your skin looking younger and more vibrant.

A facial is a skincare treatment done by an esthetician. The esthetician uses customized skincare formulations and are best done with natural ingredients to prevent skin irritations from harmful chemical-filled products.

Deep cleansing, detoxifying, moisturizing, sloughing off the dead and dull skin surface, hydrating and replenishing with infused oxygen are among the amazing things can be achieved with a professional facial. Your esthetician will determine the best facial for your specific needs.

7. Be cautious of the things that you put on your skin. Your skin absorbs whatever is put on it in about 28 seconds. (Try putting a clove of garlic between your toes and you will find that you can actually taste the garlic!). Use coconut oil as a moisturizer or some other organic plant based lotion that is not full of toxic chemicals. Avoid toxic perfumes –essential oils are a wonderful alternative. Research the ingredients in your skin care, sunscreen, shaving cream, and anything else that you put on your skin. Remember that everything you put onto your skin has to be dealt with by your body. By minimizing the toxins that you put on (and into) your body, you will minimize the stress on these organs and allow them to deal with the unavoidable toxins of daily living and functioning.

Your skin is not just something to look at, it is a functioning organ and it must be taken care of. By following these 7 tips, you will find that your skin looks healthier and vital. You will also find that you feel better overall–inside and out!!

Posted In - Physical Health