There has been a lot of research done on the role of inflammation and diseases such as Alzheimer’s dementia, cancers, autoimmune diseases, and heart disease. It is fascinating to realize that these different diseases seem to have something in common: inflammation. A person’s genetic predisposition “guides” the end result (I.e. final disease that you get) of the inflammation.
Inflammation is caused by many things: stress, excess sugar and grain intake, and chemical/toxin exposure. These are the most common causes that we currently know of. When you consume processed foods you often get sugars, grains, and chemicals all in one setting. Our society has turned into a fast food, junk food, grain eating, soda addicted society. These foods and drinks irritate your body and cause inflammation.
This inflammation can disrupt your hormones: causing your Cortisol, Thyroid, Testosterone, Progesterone, Estrogen, etc to be significantly out of balance. This inflammation and hormonal imbalance can also lead to chronic diseases such as Alzheimer’s dementia, cancers, autoimmune diseases, heart disease, etc.
The refined grains and sugars (all are carbohydrates) plus processed and heated fats, all serve to raise your estrogen and cortisol to abnormal. This affects both men and women. The increase in estrogen and cortisol can cause irritability, fatigue, moodiness, fat deposition, and an increased risk for certain cancers and heart disease.
The refined grains and sugars also decrease a number of other hormones critical to the health and wellbeing of both men and women. A decrease in Testosterone can cause sleep disorders, moodiness, depression, loss of focus, muscle mass decrease, and an increased risk for dementia, osteoporosis, and heart disease. A decrease in Progesterone can cause anxiety, sleep disorders, headaches, and an increased risk for osteoporosis, certain cancers, thyroid disorders, and dementia. A decrease in thyroid hormone can cause fatigue, weight gain, depression, and an increased risk for heart disease.
Treating hormone imbalances helps you to feel better and to prevent a variety of chronic diseases. Balancing your hormones requires a whole-body approach; addressing diet, exercise and other lifestyle-based strategies. A healthful diet, low in processed foods, low to no grain diet, and high in whole organic foods, along with regular exercise, can go a long way to keeping your hormones balanced as you age.
Regenerative medicine aka anti-aging medicine is about helping you to live optimally. Balancing your hormones is more than just giving you bioidentical hormones. Hormone replacement is a piece of the puzzle. You have the power to fix some of the other pieces by lifestyle adjustments. A regenerative medicine specialist helps you to do this.