
How Misalignment Creates Low Level Inflammation Within The Body.

Have you ever  had to replace your tires unexpectedly, because they wore down unevenly or because your car alignment was off? 

Tires are designed to wear down in a certain way, when the car is properly aligned. One day you are driving down the road and you hit a giant pothole.  Then you find your car drifting to the right or left and you constantly have to correct it to stay in the middle of the road.  If you don’t take your car in to FIX the alignment then your tire will eventually wear down and you will have to replace them or you will get a blow out on the side of the road.

Your joints, bones, and bodies are similar.

Like an alignment on a car, the same things happen when your body isn’t aligned properly.  Your bones and joints stack differently, which causes them to wear and tear differently when you move, squat, walk, run, and play. 

If you stand, sit, move with compensation due to injury (the pothole in the road),  then you start to cause wear and tear in your joints. The body’s inflammatory response is a potent response to acute injury. If the injury continues, then the inflammatory response will kick in full blast and things get dicey from there. Chronic inflammation can undermine your health and lead to numerous problems within your muscles, joints, and nervous system. 

With misalignment in the muscles, joints, tendons and bones you create low level inflammation.  This leads to pain when you move, and can also contribute to autoimmune disorders, hormone imbalances, sleep disorders, and much more.  If you are trying to get to a state where you don’t feel terrible, bringing down the overall body inflammation is key, and that includes muscle and skeletal pain. 

The solution? To fix the original problem, the misalignment. In the body’s case to fix the posture and movement patterns that due to injury get some funky compensations and imbalances.  

Can you help to reduce overall inflammation by simple posture correction, mobility/flexibility, strength and rewriting how the brain moves the body? Can posture correction and movement be part of the treatment plan to manage autoimmune diseases?  Absolutely! It’s treating the body as a whole, not the sum of its parts.  

I’ll give you a start.  Here’s five of my favorite exercises to help you improve your posture and start lowering your muscle and joint inflammation right now!

Do each of these exercises 10 times or hold the stretch for 20 seconds every day.

Pro Tip:  Start slow by adding in 1-2 exercises a day or do very low reps at first if you have a high level of inflammation. Sometimes with the change of exercise routine, if you change the intensity too fast you will find that you get an acute flare up.  No one wants that!b start slow and increase how much you do over time.  Your body didn’t become misaligned overnight and it will take some time to get back in alignment.  

Getting your body back into alignment is one part of managing inflammation and creating whole body wellness.  It is definitely worth doing so that you can move without pain and be able to do what you love longer, and ultimately achievie an optimal you. 

If you are ready to start healing your body right now, make your initial consultation today.  It’s time for you to go from pain to performance!

Posted In - Health Tips, Physical Health