Not every hormone is best-suited to be swallowed. Melatonin and growth hormone are destroyed by the acids in the stomach and, thus, are more effective sub-lingual (under the tongue) where they are quickly absorbed. Estradiol (one the predominant estrogens) raises triglycerides, LDL and C-RP in oral form but not in a dermal (skin) cream.kin) cream.

The short answer: the goal is mimic nature not force an un-natural schedule on the body. This is especially true for women who have a changing cycle of estrogens, progesterone and testosterone during the month. By taking the same hormones all the time, it will raise your blood sugar, gain weight and is dangerous for your health, especially for women.

No, it contains phyto-estrogens, which may increase the body’s production, but is not a hormone or a precursor to hormone so it doesn’t replace progesterone.

Bioidentical hormones have the same molecular structure of the hormones made naturally by your body, there are relatively few side effects. Side effects occur mainly when the dosage of hormone is too high for the individual. At An Optimal You, we monitor and evaluate each patient to assure balance and proper dosing.

The WHI (Women’s Health Initiative) study in 1991 was stopped early because the use of Prempro® did show increased risk of breast cancer, stroke and heart disease. Prempro is a combination of synthetic estrogens (Premarin®) made from pregnant mare’s urine and synthetic progestin. The combination of synthetic estrogens are not in the same proportions that are made in your body.

Human Estrogen:

  • Estriol 60-80%
  • Estrone 10-20%
  • Estradiol 10-20%

Premarin ®

  • Equline 6-15%
  • Estrone 75-80%
  • Estradiol + others 5-19%

Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) has been used in Europe sixty years without increased risk of breast cancer or cardiovascular events. A twenty year long study by Johns Hopkins University Medical School found that half of all breast cancers could be prevented by having a normal level of progesterone.

This depends on the individual. It is important to remember that when hormone treatment is stopped, the levels quickly revert to pretreatment numbers and may catapult the individual into a state of accelerated aging.

We will give you several compounding pharmacy options at your initial consultation. Due to the personalized nature of bio-identical hormones, we utilize compounding pharmacies.

Keep in mind that your HMO or PPO is primarily ‘disease’ insurance, not health maintenance or preventative insurance. At An Optimal You, we are not insurance based. We are not a Medicare or Medi-Cal provider. We work outside of insurance in order to provide you the customized care that bio-identical hormone replacement requires.

Yes, An Optimal You is a specialty practice. You will continue to see your PCP or we can refer you to a primary care practitioner.

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